British Lion Eggs

British Lion Eggs

The Project.

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British Lion Eggs


Consultancy / Digital Marketing / SEO



Supported British Lion Eggs and their agency Nexus PR by completing an audit of their SEO performance from a technical and content perspective. Also offering user experience and recommendations to boost overall organic rankings and onsite user engagement. 

The Brief.

Towards the end of 2018 we were contacted by Nexus PR. Based in London, Nexus are one of the leading PR agencies specialising in developing and delivering communication strategies for some of the world’s best food and drink brands. 

One of their clients, Lion Egg Farms, operate two websites. Both and had seen a decline in organic traffic. We were brought in as a support to Nexus and their agency, tasked with completing an audit of their SEO performance, the technical elements of their site and also to provide our views on the user experience and make recommendations. 


  • Review the SEO performance
  • Undertake a review of both websites from a technical, content and UX point of view
  • Top level view of social media activity
  • Provide a list of recommendations, by priority, that would deliver improvements

How We Did It.


Provide a complete audit of the clients website focusing on SEO elements from a technical and content perspective, alongside the overall user experience.


Using key analysis tools we were able to deep dive into the site, the structure, the technical elements and also review Google algorithm updates that may have been a contributing factor.


From this we were able to identify some clear points that needed to be addressed and structure these into a plan of action. We then reviewed these with the Nexus team over the next year.